As of January 1st, 2021, the Journal of Engineering and Applied Science, JEAS, is published by Springer Nature. The link to JEAS website on Springer Open is

The Journal of Engineering and Applied Science, JEAS, is free access, peer reviewed and copyrighted journal. JEAS is published bimonthly by the Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University (CUFE) with a sole academic/research, non-commercial purpose. JEAS proclaims the following disclaimer and free access statement.


The ideas, data/information, materials, methodologies, analyses, results, conclusions/recommendations and opinions given in the papers published in JEAS are strictly those of the author(s) of the published papers and not of JEAS and/or CUFE. It is, thus, understood that JEAS and CUFE are neither liable nor responsible for any errors, mistakes or any consequences arising from adopting/using any of the ideas, data/information, materials, methodologies, analyses, results, conclusions/recommendations and opinions provided in its published papers.

Free Access Statement

  • JEAS ‘Free Access’ does not entail any charges to readers or visitors of its website for access. Hence, free access is to the full content of the published papers/material. However, authors submitting papers to be considered for publication in JEAS should pay an free access fee that is currently US $100, or equivalent in EGP, excluding any taxes or bank transfer costs.
  • Users are permitted to copy and distribute any material in the papers published in JEAS, on condition this is not done for commercial purposes and provided that the user gives appropriate credit and citation to the copied formal publication (with link to the relevant JEAS free access Issue/Volume/Date). However, users are not permitted to distribute the published material if it is changed or edited in any way.


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